Digital matters

Your online digital assets matter - make the most of them!

Google My Business, Apple Maps Connect, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and, of course, your website are all aspects of your online presence that give your customers the 'picture' of who you are. Additionally, these digital assets all contribute to the search engines' picture of who you are and are used to assess and rank how companies show up in search engine results pages (SERPs). It's well worth understanding and making the most of these tools - it helps your search engine optimisation (SEO) and supports your Google ranking.

Join us to learn the value of each of these tools and how to use them - don't forget to check back weekly for the next episode.

And don't forget to book in with us for a free digital audit of your business. Find out your strengths, weaknesses and what you can do to improve.

Application firewalls

An application firewall is a type of firewall that controls input/output or system calls of an application or service like your website. In simple terms, it is blocking viruses and malware and protecting both the investment you have put into your website and your company's good reputation. It operates by monitoring and blocking communications based on a configured policy.

Google Optimize

Wondering what the Google Optimize tool is and what it can do for you? Google Optimize is a free website optimisation tool to help website owners test and compare page variations in relation to conversions to drive website traffic. Watch this video for a demonstration and tips on how to get started.

Google Analytics (GA) - part 3

Connecting your Google Analytics account to your Google Search Console property, plus a look at a new GA feature - Attribution.

Google Analytics (GA) - part 2

A deeper dive into how to use Google Analytics: real-time statistics and setting goals to track.

Google Analytics (GA) - part 1

A quick look at Google Analytics (a free service that tracks and reports on your website traffic) and how to connect it to your website.

Google Search Console

Learn how to connect your website up to Google Search Console to give you free access to lots of statistics about how your website is ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). What statistics are available and how you can use them to give insight on how to improve your ranking results.

Apple Maps Connect

The marketshare in Australia between iphone and android is roughly equal, so in addition to setting up your company's presence on Google My Business to make sure you are listed in Google Maps, adding your business to Apple Maps is also essential.

Google My Business (GMB) - part 2

More on the importance of Google My Business and how to leverage your listing using reviews, products and special offers.

Google My Business (GMB) - part 1

A free and easy-to-use tool for businesses to manage their online presence across Google. Google pulls information from your GMB listing to show in Google Search and Maps. Used properly will show your customers your opening hours, special deals, news about your business and reviews. Make sure your business comes up as the answer next time someone asks "hey Siri ... ".