Amaze Communication

Partnership supports IT Basecamp in supplying reliable, scalable, secure hybrid cloud solutions

With the growing demand for online services, hybrid cloud environments have emerged as a game-changing solution for Australian businesses of all sizes. Private cloud networking environments are best suited for managing sensitive data, but the ability to scale reliably, quickly and economically is a core benefit of public cloud hosting. Particularly for web applications, combining private cloud environments with public cloud infrastructure in a hybrid cloud network means businesses can leverage the best of both worlds.

IT Basecamp’s partnership with Amaze is one way we deliver hybrid cloud business solutions for clients. An award-winning Australian cloud technology team with two decades of experience, clients benefit from Amaze’s managed services through IT Basecamp’s data centre hosting.

Tailored solutions a key benefit

One of the standout advantages of hybrid cloud networks is the ability to provide a tailored solution that adapts to specific security and performance requirements. Businesses can seamlessly move between private and public cloud resources as capacity and/or security needs change:

  • Scalability - hybrid clouds can be scaled up or down easily, increasing the use of public cloud resources during spikes and peak times in website traffic and decreasing again during quieter periods.
  • Cost Efficiency - by using public cloud resources for non-sensitive operations and data, businesses can reduce costs by not having to maintain entire networks on-premises.
  • Business Continuity - by distributing assets across private and public clouds, businesses can enhance disaster recovery plans and ensure that a failure in one environment doesn't lead to total downtime.
  • Security and compliance - organisations handling sensitive user data can segregate this data in private cloud to keep it protected and meet compliance requirements.
Case Study 1: E-commerce Platform

Challenge: An expanding e-commerce website experiences unpredictable traffic spikes, especially during sales events, leading to slow load times and potential downtime.

Solution: By adopting a hybrid cloud environment, the e-commerce platform utilises its private cloud for secure transactions and customer data storage, ensuring high security and compliance with financial regulations. During high-traffic events, it seamlessly scales up by integrating public cloud resources, accommodating the surge without impacting website performance.

Outcome: The hybrid approach eliminates downtime during peak sales, enhancing the customer shopping experience. The e-commerce platform maintains customer trust by securely handling transactions in the private cloud, while the scalability of the public cloud supports business growth.

Case Study 2: Healthcare Portal

Challenge: A healthcare portal needs to manage sensitive patient data while providing reliable, around-the-clock access to medical records and services.

Solution: The portal uses a private cloud to store sensitive patient data, ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. For patient-facing applications and information portals, it leverages the public cloud’s scalability, especially useful for handling increased access demands during health crises or outbreaks.

Outcome: The hybrid cloud environment ensures that patient data remains secure and compliant, while the public cloud’s scalability improves access to healthcare services. This dual approach enhances patient trust and care quality.

Flexibility of Public Cloud

Responsiveness and quick load times are key factors in user satisfaction and SEO ranking for client websites. Public clouds adapt easily to fluctuations in website traffic and can ensure that a website remains responsive even during traffic spikes:

  • Load balancing - hybrid cloud environments often incorporate load balancing techniques, which distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers.
  • Geographical distribution - public cloud components in a hybrid setup use a global network of data centres. This means they can store and deliver website content from the data centre closest to the user.
  • High availability and redundancy - if one part of the cloud system fails, others can take over, minimising the risk of downtime.

Security of the Private Cloud

The private cloud component of a hybrid cloud network stands out for its security and compliance capabilities, important factors for businesses working with sensitive data. It offers a secure place for storing personal user information, financial transactions, proprietary business data and more:

  • Regulatory compliance - in a private cloud you can implement security policies and limit access to sensitive data. This is especially handy for businesses that have to comply with legal or industry-specific regulatory requirements like GDPR, HIPAA, or other regulatory frameworks.
  • Integrated security measures - hybrid clouds often have advanced security tools, such as encryption, intrusion detection systems, and multi-factor authentication to safeguard data as it moves between the private and public segments of the cloud.
  • Data sovereignty and localisation - for businesses that operate across borders, hybrid clouds offer the flexibility to store data in specific geographic locations to comply with data sovereignty laws.

Together, IT Basecamp and Amaze provide robust hybrid cloud offerings that offer advanced encryption, secure data storage solutions and expertise in complying with industry standards, empowering businesses to achieve their goals.

Case Study 3: Educational Institution

Challenge: An educational institution requires a dynamic online learning platform that can support varying numbers of students and multimedia resources, especially during enrollment periods and exam times.

Solution: The institution implements a hybrid cloud solution, using the private cloud to secure student records and sensitive academic information. The public cloud is used to host the learning management system (LMS), which scales resources up or down based on the academic calendar and current demand.

Outcome: The hybrid cloud allows the institution to offer a seamless online learning experience, even during peak usage. It ensures the privacy and security of student records while providing the necessary scalability for educational resources.

Case Study 4: Media and Entertainment Website

Challenge: A media website with high-definition video content experiences variable traffic, with spikes during new releases or special events.

Solution: The website stores its extensive media library in a private cloud for control and security, while using the public cloud to manage streaming services. This setup provides the elasticity to scale streaming capabilities in real-time, according to viewer demand.

Outcome: Viewers enjoy high-quality streaming experiences without buffering or downtime, even during high-demand premieres. The hybrid model supports the website's growth by accommodating a global audience with varying peak viewing times.