Shaving the world from blood cancer banner

Shaving the world from blood cancer

Mar 1, 2021 Community blog

... that's the current big thing at IT Basecamp. Come the week of the 10 - 14th March there will be a good number of bare and also colourful heads in the office as we support the Leukaemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave 2021; raising money for research and also supporting families dealing with blood cancer today.

Forty-seven Australians get diagnosed with and face treatment for blood cancer every day and currently that includes one of our favourite office neighbours. To do something positive we have Brad, Alex, Aravind and Derrick signed up for a full shave while Sanette compliments their efforts with a supporting hair colour. If you can, support us with a donation and wait to see pics of all the new hair-dos.

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April update ...

Thanks everybody for your support during the World's Greatest Shave ... we raised a grand total of $7,985.16! The money goes towards research into the condition and providing much-needed practical and emotional support for those dealing with this tough diagnosis.