URGENT: Are you still using Windows 7? banner

URGENT: Are you still using Windows 7?

Feb 6, 2020 Tech blog

Almost 25% of Windows users are still running Windows 7 according to Statscounter. This has become a serious IT issue because, as of January 2020, Microsoft stopped supporting the operating system.

Without Microsoft support, devices running Windows 7 will no longer receive security patches, updates or technical support. Machines that continue to operate on Windows 7 will become vulnerable to security risks and viruses.

While it's easy to let the task of updating your technology slide as your PC or laptop will continue to work, the consequences of running an outdated operating system can be severe. Cybercrime is very real in today's business environment and cybercriminals have no qualms about targeting users running old technology. Allowing technology to become outdated puts a business at greater risk of a cyber attack - possibly resulting in stress, loss of time, loss of income, support costs to regain control of accounts and IT systems, plus the legal requirements and implications and damage to reputation.

Read more here about your liabilities and responsibilities as a business owner in the event of a cyber attack.

Need help upgrading from Windows 7? Contact us.