Email scam targets .au domain name holders banner

Email scam targets .au domain name holders

Jun 27, 2024 Tech blog

If you own an Australian domain name (e.g.: any domain ending in .au -,, or .au), be warned. There is currently an email phishing scam circulating where cyber criminals are impersonating Domain Administration Limited (auDA), Australia's domain administration body. The fake email prompts the domain owner to click on a link to confirm contact details and keep the .au domain name licence active.

If you receive such an email, DO NOT click on any links and DO NOT reply to the sender.

If you do receive an email from AuDA and are unsure about its authenticity, get in touch with AuDA directly, using contact information from their official website, not from the email. Or, if your domain was purchased through IT Basecamp, give us a call!

It is the act of clicking on links and opening attachments in emails or text messages that enables the attack to succeed. If you contact the company in question or log into an account without clicking the provided link, you prevent the cybercriminal from gaining access.

What to do when the damage is done

If it's already too late and you've missed the warning signs, clicked on links, or provided personal information to the sender, it’s important to act immediately. Here are a few steps you can take to control the damage and alert others:
  1. Turn off the device and unplug all cords.
  2. Inform your colleagues and superiors about the scam (Always do this - even if you have identified the scam, others might have not).
  3. Report the scam to the police and to the Australian Cyber Security Centre.
  4. Contact IT Basecamp for technical support.

Protecting yourself from phishing attacks

Fortunately, there are ways to check the genuineness of an email. We strongly recommend to read our blog 'Cybercriminals learn to bypass 2FA' and learn:

Education is key when it comes to protecting your business from cyber threats. Explore IT Basecamp’s Cyber Heroes, a dedicated cyber security concierge service, for expert advice on improving your company's cyber security stance.

For additional tips on how to protect yourself and others from cyber-attacks, check out the free Cyber Security Fundamentals course.