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ISO9001 and ISO27001 certifications achieved

Aug 17, 2022 Tech blog
Our behind-the-scenes focus at IT Basecamp in the first half of 2022 has been preparing to achieve the internationally-recognised standards of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS) and ISO 27001 Infomation Security Management Systems (ISMS).  This involved a major review and documentation of all processes and systems - a daunting task for any business but, luckily for us, we have assisted in this process for a number of clients going through ISO certification, so we were well prepared for the task.  Our Stage 1 and Stage 2 assessment for each certification is now complete. We are delighted to announce our auditor found zero non-conformances and are just waiting for the paperwork to be processed and our certificates to be issued. 

Both these internationally-recognised ISO certifications ensure that IT Basecamp is following structured and systematic processes and procedures that prioritise information security internally and along the business supply chain, plus implements quality standards and performance benchmarks with clients.

"As a business that deals in storage and handling of sensitive data and the construction, securing and maintenance of IT infrastructure for clients these ISO certifications are an achievement we're very proud of," said Brad Lilly, managing director, IT Basecamp. "We are an integral part of the business supply chain of each of our clients - knowing we have achieved these quality standards delivers assurances on the security of the role we play. We have found the whole process something that really made us think about how we do business, and how we can improve from a quality and information security front. It's given us a path and answers to succeed at what we do." 

If you're preparing for International Standards Organisation (ISO) certification book an appointment to discuss the security and processes of your IT infrastructure.  Between our own experience and our role in supporting other clients approaching ISO assessments, we are in a strong position to make sure your organisation is prepared and ready.

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