Rich results test tool transitions out of beta banner

Rich results test tool transitions out of beta

Aug 3, 2020 Tech blog

Google recently announced that the Rich Results Test Tool has now transitioned out of beta and fully supports all Google Search rich results features. What, pray tell, is a rich result feature you ask? A rich result is when the result you see on a Google search engine results page (SERP) is more than just the standard blue link - things like carousels, images, videos, top stories listings.

The rich results features work on structured data - code that helps a searchbot more accurately understand the meaning of content. For example, structured data code can help Google understand the difference between things like a chocolate cake recipe and a chocolate cake to buy, making the search results more accurate for the end-user.

Errors in a site's structured data code disqualify the page from being shown as a rich result in Google Search, so it is a good idea to check your site using the tool - Rich Results Test Tool.

If you need developer support to add or edit structured data on your website, feel free to get in touch.

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