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Cybercrime - are you protected?

May 27, 2019 Tech blog

Cybercrime is real, it is happening at all levels of business and it is costing victims real money. Are you protected? Join us for breakfast to discuss the current issues and find out your vulnerabilities and responsibilities. The event is being hosted by the Shoalhaven Business Chamber, in partnership with Shoalhaven City Council.

WHEN: 7:15am - 9:00am Thursday 20th June, 2019
Shoalhaven ex-Servicemen's Sports Club, 131 Greenwell Point Road, Worrigee

Meet the Presenters

Scott Schwartz
Macquarie Bank
Information Security Manager
Banking and Financial Services (BFS)

The cybercrime landscape

Scott is an expert in the field of IT security and manages Macquarie Banks cyber threats and network security. Scott will provide an overview of the cyber landscape, what threats are out there and why hackers and cybercriminals are now attacking SME businesses and not just large corporates. Scott will have plenty of stats and data which will leave you with no doubt cybercrime is a real and growing concern for SME’s.

Brad Lilly
IT Basecamp


... all security acronyms you may or may not have heard of. Sick of accepting annoying cookies on websites? Why do we need this? What are my requirements with regards to Australian Law? Why does something in Europe affect me? Who do I report to if I have a security breach within my IT Infrastructure and are categorised as a business that needs to report? How do I prepare myself for all of this stuff if I don't understand it? Come along and listen to the Managing Director of IT Basecamp, Brad Lilly, give an overview of all things security. Pick up free your information pack as well.

Brendan Goddard
Macey Insurance Brokers

When it comes to a data security breach, it isn't a matter of if it will happen, but when

So when it does happen, you’ll need comprehensive protection from an insurer that specialises in handling cyber risks, offers a full suite of integrated insurance solutions to help minimise gaps in coverage, and understands how to tailor coverage to your business. Brendan will provide insight into insurance solutions for your business, how a Cyber Insurance Policy works and information on what is needed to obtain a quote for your business.

How Prepared is your organisation for:

  • Costs related to forensic investigations, and disaster recovery related to theft of personal records?
  • An e-business interruption including expenses that result from a security failure or virus?
  • A cyber extortion threat?
  • Costs related to privacy notification, crisis management costs, credit monitoring and legal Data Breach obligations?
  • A lawsuit stemming from a security failure or alleged technology error or omission that results in damages to customers?