SEO summary - Google changes in 2018 and what to watch in 2019 banner

SEO summary - Google changes in 2018 and what to watch in 2019

Jan 15, 2019 Tech blog

If your role involves keeping your website optimised for SERP, here's a helpful article by Search Engine Watch providing an overview of the industry changes rolled out by Google in 2018 - Google’s biggest search algorithm updates of 2018.

Which brings up the obvious question - what to keep an eye on in 2019? Voice search is steadily becoming a more usable (and used) method of searching the Internet. It's estimated that by 2020 half of searches will be conducted by voice. But this adds another dimension for content creators and digital marketers to deal with; typed and spoken Internet searches will produce different results and users of voice searches will only receive one result! For more detail on how and when to optimise your pages for voice search take a look here - Voice search optimization guide: Six steps for 2019.